- 22nd Dec 2022
- 06:03 am
setwd("~/Assignments/Job 2")
rm(list = ls())
# Load libraries:
# Read the data:
data <- read.csv('length (Autosaved).csv')
# Convert the structure for ANOVA analysis:
data <- melt(data, id = c('Month'))
# Two-way interaction plot
interaction.plot(x.factor = data$variable, trace.factor = data$Month,
response = data$value, fun = mean,
type = "b", legend = TRUE,
xlab = "Treatment", ylab = "Month",
pch=c(1,19), col = c("#00AFBB", "#E7B800"))
# Two lines are not parallel thus implying no interaction between Month and treatment factors.
# Perform a two way ANOVA:
anova.result <- aov(value ~ Month + variable,
data = data)
# Thus at 5% level of significance we can conclude that there is a significant statistical difference
# between the lengths in September to February the following year.